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How to optimize your landing pages for SEO?

by | Jul 28, 2022 | SEO

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A well-made landing page can significantly boost your business and increase conversions. But that’s easier said than done. There are numerous things you need to think about. For example, how you plan to drive traffic, your marketing strategy, and so on. One additional challenge is how to optimize your landing pages for SEO, and this is an important one. With that in mind, let’s see how to accomplish this best and create a stunning landing page that will deliver every time.

It is all about the keywords

It is no secret that keywords play the most critical role in SEO. They define your content. With that in mind, you should know your keywords even before you start working on the landing pages.

But, what is the best way to find suitable keywords for your business? The best thing you can do is research. Create a list of keywords you think are good, and do a Google search. See where that takes you. If you get relevant pages, that means you are onto something good.

An illustration showing a construction crane building a landing page

You also need to add the location to your keywords and use different versions of keywords. The more versions you have, the better because they increase your website ranking.

When it comes to keywords, you need to consider:

  • volume;
  • difficulty;
  • relevance,

Using a keyword research tool is a good idea because it will help you track the most critical metrics.

Once you have narrowed down your list, it is crucial to pick your main keyword. That will be the one with the best results. The rest are additional keywords. Now you have a base to build your landing page around. Remember that this is the longest and most challenging step but also the most important one.

Make good use of the title tag

If we try to rank various parts of a landing page by importance, that won’t be easy. The complete picture is what’s important. However, like anything else, the first impression is something that you cannot change. According to, it all starts with the title of the web page.

The title tag is a piece of HTML code that communicates with the search engines and tells them what your landing page title is. When creating the name of your landing page, the first thing you need to do is put your main keyword in it. The second thing to know is to stay under 65 characters. Anything longer, and the name of the page will not be fully visible. The maximum number is 70 characters, but 65 is your sweet spot.

Always fill in the meta description

The meta description is another significant tag. It describes to the engine what the page is all about. It should be between 150 and 160 characters and describe your landing page’s primary purpose and content. This meta description is for the users, not search engine bots, so make it as natural as possible. And also, add your main keyword to it! One of the biggest reasons to perform a website audit is to optimize your main keyword and ensure it is where it needs to be.

Lines of HTML code.

The URL link should be attractive and descriptive

A complex URL link that does not connect with the topic of your landing page will not contribute to your SEO. First, it may confuse the engine. And second, it will not be memorable in the eyes of your customers.

One of the first SEO-friendly web design rules is to create meaningful URLs. And, you guessed it, add your main keyword to it if possible! Still, if your main keyword does not fit naturally into the URL link, you should not force it.

A good headline will engage the users

One of the common pain points for landing page owners is the bounce rate. A user clicks on the link, gets to the page, and moves to something else. Their attention was not captured quickly, and that’s what a headline is for. To make visitors stay longer, you need to grab their attention with the first words.

If you can fit the main keyword in it, that’s a bonus. But, it would be best if you focused more on making it sound natural, relevant to the user, and engaging. Also, don’t forget to write your headline within the H1 tag since it is the most important headline on the page.

Content will always be king

All your hard work to ensure users get to your landing page will be in vain if the content does not satisfy their curiosity and needs. Content drives the traffic because that’s what the customers are looking for. Furthermore, engines also value content, even though they cannot understand the meaning behind the words. But, they can recognize patterns, like main and additional keywords. Try not to add too many keywords to your landing page because that will feel like spam.

A crown made of words important for SEO, with “Content is king” written in the middle.

The CTA button is your cherry on top

Finally, we are talking about one element of the landing page that has a considerable impact on the success of your business. That’s the Call-To-Action button. It needs to stand out among everything else and invite the users to click it. Your conversion rate depends on it.

The CTA button should be the punchline of your landing page. Like a reward at the end of an exciting journey. Your landing page should be built around the CTA button to keep the main focus.

Optimize your landing pages for SEO with these best approaches

It takes time to optimize your landing pages for SEO. However, it is not a process you should rush. Landing pages play a crucial role in increasing your conversion rate. Hopefully, you now have enough information to create a stunning landing page that will engage customers and increase organic traffic on your website.