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New WordPress Security Plugin worth $1000’s

by | Jan 8, 2012 | Web Design

Home / Web Design / New WordPress Security Plugin worth $1000's

How much money did you spend creating your website?

What if today, it was gone?

Do you have a backup?

“Don’t assume”

Don’t assume your hosting company will have a backup or even recreate your site without paying quite a bit. If you aren’t paying for backups you should be taking matters into your own hands and Backing up every month. I can’t tell you how many times we have had clients call saying there site is messed up, only to fine out it was hacked. As the title says. Keeping your site Updated and Secure can be worth $1000’s.

PX Media now has a package that will give you piece of mind.


  • Recent backup of your database and Content (All your website files)

  • Changing your Admin Passwords

  • Installation of WordPress Security Scan Plugin. (by: WebsiteDefender)

  • Installation of BulletProof Security Plugin. (by: AITpro)


$200 (First month) (Pricing based on a working site with no CMS customization)

$40 a month to keep your site security maintained monthly. (Includes WordPress and Plugins updates. Off site backup)

WordPress Security Scan

Using a website monitor like can be the key to avoiding a hacked website. It automatically scans your blog or website for any suspicious activity that could otherwise go unnoticed. By also providing easy to understand tutorials to patch up weaknesses, it means you can rest assured that your site is safe and sound – meaning your visitors are too.

BulletProof Security

The BulletProof Security WordPress Security plugin is designed to be a fast, simple and one click security plugin to add .htaccess website security protection for your WordPress website. Activate .htaccess website security and .htaccess website under maintenance modes from within your WordPress Dashboard – no FTP required. The BulletProof Security WordPress plugin is a one click security solution that creates, copies, renames, moves or writes to the provided BulletProof Security .htaccess master files. BulletProof Security protects both your Root website folder and wp-admin folder with .htaccess website security protection, as well as providing additional website security protection.

Who’s Responsibility

Be sure you have read the hosting policy of your hosting company. Most if not all have the same policy. “Your On Your Own”..

PX Media hosts many of our client sites and yes, if you have a basic hosting plan our policy is the same. This is why we offer a maintenance package.

Douglas Goddard