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Top 10 Reasons Why You Need a Website Redesign.

by | Mar 23, 2015 | Web Design

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In the new age technological environment that exists right now, the speed at which you evolve with the times will determine whether or not you stay in business. This is particularly true regarding the kind of website your company has. A few years back, in the 1990s and maybe a little into the early 2000s, your business was considered a frontrunner in any field by simply having a website. As things stand, most companies already have functional websites, but is this enough to compete today? The answer is no.  Today, simply having a website will not cut it. Your website needs to be cutting-edge to compete in retaining and gaining clients.

Studies show that up to 75% of your would-be clients judge the credibility of your business or brand by the style of web design you have employed. Online users want an impeccably designed platform: attractive, easily navigable, engaging, and, most of all, responsive.

With that in mind, here are ten reasons you need a website redesign, makeover, or facelift to appeal to new customers.

1. It Looks Outdated

Some companies think that simply creating a website is all they have to do. They do not do anything to update it, nor do they do anything about SEO. If your business has an outdated-looking website or, worse yet, a static one, you can be assured of losing the clients of the new age. Today’s Websites, when developed using a content management system like WordPress, can have social media integration and blogs, which can help you build relationships with your customers. The power of this cannot be understated.

Image is everything today. If your website does not look as good as you want your brand to look, you need to upgrade it. Remember, this is how the whole world sees your brand. Your website aims to highlight what is unique about your product or service. A professional web design firm like PX Media will take the time to do proper site planning with you to make sure that your brand is reflected as the premium product that it is.

2. You will be able to Measure its Effectiveness

Today, analytics and heat maps are available to track conversion numbers. This is just one of the handy techniques you can use with the new web technologies to see what is working and what isn’t. An older website makes it much harder to implement such strategies.

3. You Have a High Bounce Rate

User experience is more important than user experience today. If your analytics show that your visitors are spending a reasonable amount of time on your website, then there is a good chance that your user experience design could be more optimal. Please take a look at these questions. Is it easy for your users to find the information they want on your website? Could you let me know if the layout isn’t cluttered and confusing? If you can’t answer yes to these questions, then it’s time to talk to a professional.  A redesign may help improve this and reduce that dreaded bounce rate.

4. Your Website Does Not Work Well with Mobile Devices

If your website does not work well with mobile devices such as smartphones, tablets, and the like, then there’s a good chance you are missing out on a lot of traffic. Today, roughly 48% of internet users research and purchase online through their mobile devices. It is a fast-paced world, and the amount of mobile devices used to access the web will keep growing. Mobile Purchases have increased 140% over the last year alone. If you have not yet converted to a responsive web design or added a mobile site to your brand, you could miss 50% more business.

5. Your Ranking is Low

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) has dramatically changed in recent years. There was a time when all it took was embedding and stuffing your site with keywords to rank well. Google and every other search engine have wised up to these tricks, and now you need relevant, fresh, and original content. You also need a website that provides an excellent browser user experience. So, if you have found that you are dropping in rank or stagnating on search engine result pages, it is time to consider a makeover.

6. Your Website Takes Forever to Load

This is another crucial factor contributing to a high bounce rate. Website users are demanding more speed to access what they need. Research shows that about 40% of your would-be visitors will only stick around if your website takes up to 3 seconds to load. Developers have a myriad of ways to speed up your site. If slow loading speeds are plaguing your website, then it’s time to consult a professional web design agency.

7. You are Re-branding

You may have an excellent website by all standards, but you are considering rebranding for marketing. You can’t simply rebrand and keep the same old website. Rebranding involves improved images, colors, messages, and so on, and your website will need to reflect all that.

8. Updating Content is Harder than it needs to Be

CMS (content management systems) are imperative to website building today. The days of dealing with messy code to update your content are no longer necessary. With all the algorithmic changes Google has made, you need fresh content frequently to remain relevant and enjoy good SEO. If you still have to find a coder to add an article to your website, you should probably get a new website altogether, one with CMS. PX Media redesigns your website and can build a user-friendly site for your visitors and site owners. They will train the business staff on the best administrative use. They will also make edits if your schedule doesn’t permit the time needed.

9. Security Reasons

With the frequent reports of websites and social media accounts being hacked, you must make your website as secure as possible. Websites that rely on older design principles stand a much higher chance of being affected by security flaws simply because they use older technology. To minimize this, focus on working with a company that is knowledgeable about cutting-edge design principles regarding internet technologies. Please keep your website updated. PX Media has maintenance packages that will conform to your schedule and budget.

10. Your competition website looks and works much better.

At the beginning of this article, we said that almost 75% of online surfers make instant judgments about an organization based on their first impression of the website. If your website is not better than, or at least comparable to, your competitors, you should consider upgrading immediately. Besides improving your website’s user experience, ranking, and content, remember the essential quality everyone looks for in attractiveness. Why lose customers because your competitor’s website is better looking than yours?

From SEO to user experience, personal pride, and simple branding, how your website looks determines how people view your organization online. It is time you took a critical look at your website and decided to give it a much-needed makeover. Developers can do wonders with your website today. You are limited only by the scope of your imagination and skill, so make the right choice.

Redesign your website and enjoy all the perks of having an attractive, modern website that ranks well and gives your users what they need.

Could you give us a call today? Let us give you a free website redesign quote.

PX Media
