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How to Seamlessly Convert a Brick-and-Mortar Business to Online

by | Jun 23, 2020 | e-commerce

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How do you convert from a brick-and-mortar store to the internet? You can add an online presence to what you already do. You may need to reduce overhead and eventually shut down your physical store. Whatever your goal, you can take some specific steps to start an e-commerce store today.

Visual Objects polled 500 American small-business owners. It was discovered that 29% of the company plans to start a website this year, showing that many brick-and-mortar companies still need an online presence. They miss out on reaching new clients because they need help to connect digitally. Many people start their searches for local companies online, and without a website, you lose a lot of control over how they see your brand online. You’re left to the mercy of reviewers and mentions here and there.

Going online is a bit scary. It adds costs to what you’re already doing, and the competition is fierce. Not only are you competing with local businesses but with ones around the globe that might have lower prices or better delivery systems in place. Still, you can expand what you’re doing successfully by offering your products through a website. Here are steps to get you from no presence to a robust one.

1. Get on Google

Before you create your website, you can use many free marketing tools, such as Google My Business. Ensure your brand has a presence in repositories that make sense for your industry. If you own a restaurant, claim your Yelp presence. If you provide home repair services, check into the Better Business Bureau and sites such as Angie’s List.

2. Choose Online-Friendly Products

Think about the items you sell that might do well online. You don’t have to offer the same things you do in your stores. It’s fine to have some things exclusively for your online customers and other products just for in-store specials. Take stock of your inventory, determine your online competitors’ actions, and serve up your choices.

3. Perfect Your Customer Experience

Before competing with online stores, please consider your customer service policies. People expect stellar customer experience (CX). How can you deliver the same personalization and service you do in person? Train your sales agents to respond the same way online as they would face-to-face. Figure out your return policies and how to make exchanges easy, such as allowing people to return via mail or at various locations.

4. Go With a Minimalist Design

You don’t have to offer everything on your website. Keep things simple at first. Create a home page, contact page, list of locations, and a shopping area. Later, you can add a blog, more detailed information, and an expanded product line. You’re trying to keep costs low while transitioning to an online store. The more pages and complexity, the more expensive your website is to build. You can start small with a plan for how you’ll expand later.

5. Know Where Your Target Audience Hangs Out

Think about who your brick-and-mortar customers are. Pull data from your files and list some of their traits. Do they fall within a specific age range? Perhaps most of your customers are blue-collar workers. Once you have a list of characteristics, create one or more buyer personas representing your average shopper. You’ll have a blueprint showing who buys your products.

Consider where your buyer personas might hang out online. If you sell primarily to married females between 26 and 50, Pinterest could be a good choice for driving traffic to your new website. Facebook also allows you to narrowly target your audience, so you can input parameters into your advertising and reach the people you most want to attract.

6. Figure Out Logistics

You’re competing with companies such as Amazon and Walmart, which have perfected order fulfillment. You can plan to complete orders when they arrive and get them shipped quickly.

Considering how you’d like to package your products would be best. Personalize by sending a note or offering a discount on the products they purchase most often. Put your logo outside the box so others see your branding and consider ordering from you. You should also be able to decide how to handle returns best. Do you pay postage, or do they?

7. Choose the Right POS

Does your current point-of-sale system offer an online option? If not, upgrade to one that does so you can use the same POS in-store and online. You should also add options such as PayPal or Stripe for online users. Many want to keep their credit card information private, even with an established brand. You can offer users options so they feel comfortable giving you their hard-earned dollars.

Test Your Methods

Selling online can be vastly different from selling in person. As you add various features to your website, conduct A/B testing to see which features, products, and styles your customers respond to. When you run a marketing campaign for your e-commerce store, track the results, tweak, and keep trying new things until you find the perfect combination.

Adding an online store is quite rewarding and increases your revenue. You have to become familiar with the differences in digital sales. Once you do, you can realize the full potential of the internet.

Douglas Goddard* (130)

Douglas is the visionary behind “PX Media,” a beacon of creativity and excellence in marketing for over two decades. Within his illustrious career, Douglas has not only mastered the art of web design, online marketing, and photography. Still, he has also become a pivotal figure in transforming visions into digital realities. His educational journey through renowned institutions, where he delved into fine art and design, laid the foundation for his exceptional skill set. Beyond his technical prowess, Douglas is celebrated for his unwavering honesty, trustworthiness, and educational approach that empowers clients and peers alike.